Thursday, June 10, 2010


Once again, I'm sitting here days after the fact. And honestly, I'm still at a loss for words.

Twinks, you guys were amazing. Every time you get out on that floor, I get a little misty-eyed. I love seeing my girls line up, looking into their little toothless smiles, and seeing 10 years into the future. They are performers! Simply fantastic routine.

Lights, you guys really cleaned up your routine. I'm so proud that you took every criticism directly to heart, and made such an awesome improvement. Big things are going to come from this team. Mark my words.

Shining Stars, I know things didn't go our way. I'm confused too. We'll get em at Nationals, though. I love that now, you guys will be 100 percent hungry to make it perfect. This is a National Championship team. I know it.

Shooting Stars, rougher day for you guys too....but you got your bid. We reached out goal, now let's get real hungry too. You can do it.

RED, you guys had me freaked. I'm not even gonna lie (TM-Hodges). I went over to the parent section when we were getting you guys seated and read them the riot act to make sure they were screaming...because with a bad warm-up like we had, I thought you might need it. No way. Such the Cinderella story from this team. From a DQ in the fall to the HIGHEST SCORE EVER in level 5...AGAIN. 134. Stay hungry and hit this routine one more time, ladies. You've won all the battles, now win the war.

SILVER, a verse from one of my favorite songs keeps popping into my head.

Don’t you give up now

The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining

Silver lining? Check. Now THIS is the team I knew was there. Way to hit when it counts. One more time babies. One. More. Time.

BLACK, the depth on this team never stops amazing me. Props to Haileigh, Demi, Fawn, Hodges and Shanell. Having to step into an incredibly difficult stunt sequence with 2 weeks notice? Incredible. Can't wait to start our nationals routine.

Which reminds me...its now officially Nationals season.


I will stress. I will cry. I will think of every single worst case scenario and brainstorm for hours about how to coach you if the worst happens.

But I will love it.

Because like Black's music said, the rush is worth the price I pay.

And the fact that I get to take this journey with some of the most amazing ladies ever makes me incredibly exited and proud.

Love you all.