Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Just a quick note to brag on our kids...


That makes this week's total:
2 kickovers
1 standing back tuck

Good job, ladies!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The home stretch

Well, we're in the home stretch to regionals. Wow. Everyone is looking fantastic, and I gotta say, I can't WAIT!

Last night's team practices were awesome across the board. I said, last night, I simply cannot wait to warm you up and regionals. That whole practice area is going to stop in their tracks. Simply perfection. You guys have come a long ways. Kamaryn...SO PROUD of you last night, girl. Way to go for that BHS. It was perfect.

SILVER...Don't you love that transition? Good work last night. We're getting close to having the routine finished. Keep it up.

BLACK...first, JESSICA!!! So proud of you! Don't doubt yourself. Your tucks were beautiful! Stunts were...uh...interesting. Heaven's group, amazing saves. You guys are beasts. And I'm loving the jump part. Good job!

Friday, April 2, 2010


And I'm not just talking about the temperature in the gym. Our teams were HOT last night.

First, let's talk tumbling. Haley, layout are really getting there. Michaela, where did those standing backs come from? Tori, FHS are looking SO much better. And Gabe, wow, just wow. Sky high fulls!

Starlights, loved you guys DIVA-ing it up. Your stunt looks great! Remember to practice over break.

Shining Stars, it was hot, it was crowded, but you guys are really pulling this routine together. We're close to being done. Make sure you guys practice, practice, PRACTICE!!!!

Shooting Stars, when I left your practice last night, one of my best friends called...Miss Katie who coaches Eastpointe. You know, THE level four team since level 4 was created? Yeah. So we're chatting and analyzing our routines and such. I flat out told her "You've got me on numbers, but my kids are unbelievably clean." She is now SO excited to see your routine. Keep practicing and keep those hearts focused on July. You can do it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

These teams STINK

Our teams just stink this year. Routines look horrible. And man do I just HATE coaching them.

Heee! April Fools.

I didn't fool anybody, right? Hmmm, didn't think so. Drats.

So, last night, was a big night for us.

Twinks are SO close to finishing their routine. So proud of how well you guys knew your words! I just LOVE your chant. I'll get the video up tomorrow and you can practice, practice , practice over spring break!

Tumbling was GREAT too! go with that ro tuck! Wish I could have gotten a good one on video (hint, hint!). Level 1 tumbling...holy cow! We've made BIG steps with our handstands. They are looking SO good. And level 2/3...we've got so many people seriously close to kicking over by themselves. And roundoffs are looking a lot better, even with the power hurdles! Great job, ladies, keep it up!

Just a reminder, bow and sock orders are due this week! Looks like Lori, Terri and I will be busy over spring break!