Wednesday, May 12, 2010


What a day! I'm just getting around to recap our awesome regionals performances, and I can barely put them into words.

Twinks, wow, wow, WOW! All I heard about was how LOUD you were (thanks Tree!) and how your facials were great. It was definitely one of the best routines you guys have done. I've even had a bunch of parents say that they had NEVER even seen you so awesome in practice. What can I say, you guys are performers. I'm so proud of you!

Lights, awesome performance from you guys too. Loved your makeup, Lori really outdid herself there! Ripples were ON. Can't wait to polish just a little more before state.

Shining Stars, when I asked Miss Stephanie to come clean you up, I told her "They are SOCLOSE to being GREAT"...well, mission accomplished. When you make the judges tear up, you know you've hit a great routine. This was one of those routines that will create a new standard for level 3. Now let's hit even better than that in June and July, okay?

Shooting Stars, for re-doing major section of the stunts the week before, they looked SOLID. So proud of you ladies. Keep working hard, it'll take you all the way to Memphis!

Red, simply WOW. So glad you put on that mat what I knew you were capable of all along. Now with the high score EVER in level 5, let's work to tweak a couple things and make it even better. That routine, hit that solidly twice more is going to get you a National title. Keep believing and keep working.

Pete, Lori, Terri, Tree, Kelsey, Steph, and everyone else who helped out this weekend, you are nothing short of amazing. This was the most organized, structured, and calm that back room has ever been. Thanks for all your hard work.

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